The case of the incredible disappearing blog post
It appears Damien’s recent post regarding spam from Thinkhouse PR has disappeared from Google.
Interesting that I can find spam without even trying on Google but I can’t find a report of spam.
Do no Evil eh?
Update 1: From Damo with a “ah shur they didn’t realise it was spam the poor wee clueless darlings, would ye ever leave them alone” response from the DPC. Another Comreg on our hands?
Update 2: From James, Google responds and states that it is an “algorithmic issue”. We have to give them the benefit of the doubt here unless the algorithm is “SELECT BLOG_TEXT FROM MULLEY WHERE BLOG_TEXT NOT LIKE ‘%Thinkhouse%’ ;-)
Technorati Tags: Thinkhouse+PR, Spam, Google, Damien+Mulley, Data+Protection