I’m one of these contrary people who thinks Jason Calacanis is right on the money (literally) regarding the payment of the top Diggers (or Scapers?). For amusement I headed over to Netscape.com and was shocked to discover my Netscape Netcenter login details from about 8 years ago did not work. Well maybe not that shocked.

So I signed up with new details, waited for the conformation email and clicked on the link. I’m not sure if the site has been hacked or if Jason is trying to funny but I immediately got a popup box that said “F**K” (without the stars!). I clicked OK and got another and then one saying “Hi to all you Diggers out there”. And then all was well. Oh oh, not good. I doubt the millions of existing Netscape users who never figured out how to change their homepage are going to be too happy about this. Or maybe they just don’t like me.

[tags]Netscape, Netscape.com, Jason Calacanis, Digg[/tags]